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Keeping Safe

Welcome to our Safeguarding Children page - we hope that you find the information informative and helpful.

Please remember that if at any time you are worried about the safety of any child, do contact us or one of the contacts below.
Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility!
School Safeguarding Team:
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead - Melissa Brazier -
  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Maxine Mewett -
  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead - James Webb -
  • E-Safety Lead - James Webb
  • Safeguarding Governor - Gemma Titcomb

One of the team will always be available and able to help.

Helpful Numbers:
+ Childline on 0800 1111
+ Children’s Social Care on 0300 123 2224  - out of office hours Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 23 27
+ West Country Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Helpful Websites:
+ Click Here - NSPCC
+ Click Here - Somerset CC - Child at Risk



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