Welcome to the special educational needs section of our website - if you require further information then our SENDCo, Maxine Mewett, can be contacted through our school office via email at enquiries@at.bwmat.org or by phone on 01963 370481.
A link to our local services to help you choose the right care and support, this includes Somerset's Local Offer - Somerset Local Offer
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool sets out the barriers to learning that children and young people may have and the strategies and provision that could be in place to support them.
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool has been created to support all users to understand the Graduated Response to Special Educational Needs in the context of current legislation. The document makes it clear ‘what to expect’ in terms of what is provided and is written for parent carers, children and young people, school staff and those who provide services to families.
The tool sets out the provision that is ordinarily available in Somerset schools at both the Universal and Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support levels.
Click here for what to expect from education.
Somerset SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support) can give children, young people and their parent carers information, advice and support about SEND. This can include information on Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Plans. The service is free, confidential and impartial. Call: 01823 355578 of click on the SENDIAS link.
Somerset Parent Carer Forum offer advice to parents of children with additional needs and/or disabilities. Call 01458 259384/Text 07453 680365/Facebook
Many parents struggle with children either going to sleep or waking up early - please click this link to access a handy guide - The Good-Night Guide for Children.
Please find below policies and documents related to our SEND provision.