The 3 I’s for the History curriculum
Our History curriculum is designed for pupils to:
- Understand how history has shaped the life we live now and, as history is always being made, will impact the future
- Know that history doesn’t change but our understanding of history can develop due to evidence and accounts
- Value history as a profession and the role of history in the community by understanding the importance of new historical understanding and discoveries
At Abbas and Templecombe History is taught within each class in accordance with the EYFS Framework (with links made to Understanding the World programme of study) and the National Curriculum. Six key concepts will underpin all of the knowledge and skills within our history curriculum. Each class will build upon prior learning; reviewing and revising what has previously been taught and adding new knowledge and developing more advanced skills. Knowledge organiser’s will be used to support children with their acquisition of knowledge, ensuring an accurate use of vocabulary and highlighting the real world application of the knowledge and skills they have learnt.
History will be taught weekly (for 3 half terms throughout the year) as a discrete lesson but is integrated into other curriculum areas when meaningful and appropriate. Each half term will focus on key historical events in Britain’s past (and how they have shaped life today) or a historical civilization/time period across the world. Our children are given the opportunity to study a variety of primary and secondary sources, and encouraged to question the reliability of these. Children will be taught to use enquiry skills, make predictions and expand their historical knowledge.
Once a year each class will have a ‘History Appreciation’ morning to ensure the ambitious aims our of history curriculum can be met. These appreciation mornings will focus on the history as a profession, how historical events have shaped the way we live now and the role of history in our community.
Our History curriculum will ensure that children at Abbas and Templecombe Primary School:
- Can use historical vocabulary accurately and talk confidently and fluently about their history work and the sources, accounts and evidence that has contributed to their knowledge in history
- Make links between different historical events, civilizations and eras and how each of these has influenced present life and reflect on why people interpret the past in different ways
Concept and Curriculum Maps
These documents detail our concepts, values link and class teaching objectives for each class.