The 3 I’s for the Religious Education curriculum
Our Religious Education (RE) curriculum is designed for pupils to:
- Know that everybody has their own beliefs and that no one can tell you what to believe
- Respect other people’s beliefs, regardless of your knowledge and understanding
- Understand the role religion plays in our society and how it has shaped our world in the past and present
At Abbas and Templecombe we dedicate sufficient curriculum time to the delivery of RE, in accordance with the Church of England Statement of Entitlement (between 5%-10%). We follow Somerset Local Authorities ‘Awareness, Mystery and Value’ locally agreed syllabus which attempts to ensure that pupils have an understanding of major world religions’ core beliefs.
This syllabus reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Britain as a whole are, in the main, Christian, whilst taking into account the other main religions of Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Sikhism. We also study the non-religious world view of Humanism. As a Church school Christianity forms the majority religion studied in each year group with three or four of the six half terms committed to exploring the Christian faith.
Teachers will allow all pupils to explore, understand and express their own response to spiritual and religious / non-religious approaches to life.
We teach in blocks of learning rather than short weekly sessions – this engages pupils more in their learning with them producing a higher quality and better breadth of evidence.
Our RE curriculum will ensure that children at Abbas and Templecombe Primary School:
- Can reflect on what religious ideas and concepts mean to them
- Can express their own spiritual growth and development
- Can extend their own sense of values
- Have an age appropriate understanding of the core beliefs of the major world religions, that they have studied, and the key principles of Humanism
Concept and Curriculum Maps
These documents detail our concepts, values link and class teaching objectives for each class.